Git Rebase - more than a machine gun to shoot yourself in the foot with
There is an adage in the development circles that C programming language is both powerful and dangerous, akin to a gun that you can accidentally shoot yourself in the foot with. By the same token, C++ makes it possibly to blow your entire leg. In this post i would like to apply these analogies in the context of git version control system.
The actual quote about c and C++ is most commonly attributed to Bjarne Stroustrup and it goes like this:
C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off (link)
git is not for faint hearted. Proper usage requires knowledge of branches, merging, remotes, detached heads (OK, maybe not detached heads, but I just wanted to mention those as they sound cool). Plenty a developer can go for years without ever having to branch (myself included). git, on the other hand almost mandates using local branches on daily basis.
History rewriting deserves a special chapter in the book of git-fu. The fetch-rebase-rebase workflow is ostensibly simple, yet incredibly powerful. This lead me to believe that git-rebase is a special kind of weapon - a handheld Tomahawk launcher with a twist.
If you do happen to shoot yourself in the foot, and by that stage you already took out half a suburb with you, it gives you an option to go back in time and prevent yourself from doing that. A bit like Nicholas Cage in the movie Next.
The only catch is that you get a second chance once, rewriting history is something that should only be on on un-pushed changes. Once you push those changes (and you get a safeguard from that git that will disallow pushing rewritten history without --force
flag), all bets are off. I am not even sure what happens with other people’s repositories when a branch has been rebased upstream, most likely your coworkers will be highly pissed of with you.
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